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Tankers, mining and ocean pollution

14- As a Councillor, how would you take action related to the threats of increased tankers from the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline, mining interests in the area, ocean pollution from industry, and marine debris?

14- Tankers, mining and ocean pollution: FAQ

Al Anderson

Tofino has a long history and has made great achievements in protecting Clayoquot sound. Surrounding First Nations have also played a part in this through declarations and participation in developing extensive watershed plans that have taken into account environmental and economic interests. The best and strongest actions are enacted into legislation at the provincial and federal level. This is achieved by working with regional and putting forward well considered options for higher government. Tofino has made resolutions against tanker traffic and while I support that such actions accomplish little.
Our thriving tourism economy is dependent on our beautiful surroundings and the best way to protect that is to work with surrounding communities to share the benefits of that economy.

Andrea McQuade

I think the current council and staff have taken incredible steps to work with artist Peter Clarkson (who worked closely with Clayoquot CleanUp and Surfrider) to bring attention to marine debris and ocean pollution. The floating garden is incredible! Along with this, passing resolutions regarding single use plastics at the UBCM conference (Union of BC Municipalities) and motivating and supporting groups like Surfrider and CCU sends a strong message to provincial and federal government about the focus of our town and our community. 

While our ability to mandate and institute laws regarding these industries can be limited on a municipal level, we are a small town with a mighty voice. What we choose to say is respected, and heard.  Continuing to speak those hard truths regarding mining, tankers, and ocean health is my choice as a private citizen and as a councillor. 

Britt Chalmers

From a municipal perspective our best course of action is bring our concerns to the provincial and federal levels, and it would be our jobs as councillors to represent the voice of our town to address these issue to them.

Chris Heisterman

By giving our local organizations and neighbouring Indigenous Communities a voice and support! Unfortunately a lot of these topics are out of our jurisdiction as a municipality. However we can support groups like The Raincoast Education Society or SurfRider, and our neighbouring Indigenous communities who do and can act on these important issues.

Craig Heber

As Councillor to take action on tankers I'd initiate a permanent public exhibit of what happened to Clayoquot Sound in 1983 when oil spill spread on our shores. I'd push Council to link with Councils down stream from Mount Polley to put coordinated effort to push province to rethink its mining policy especially tailing ponds.  The idea that Murray Edwards could under another Liberal government remove 1/3 of Catface or allow other interest to threaten the Biosphere is insane.

Sewer Treatment Plant a huge step for Tofino to reduce its ocean pollution but we have to push to remove harmful plastics and other pollution from reaching into our ocean.  Council needs to support Surf Rider Foundation to make our local industries to be responsible for their marine debris and actively clean up their own garbage.

Dorothy Baert

We have already made statements as Council regarding our opposition to any increases in tanker traffic that would increase the likelihood of impacts on our Coast. We formally supported our MP Gord Johns in his bill before the House of Commons to address marine debris. We also introduced (previous Council) a motion to UBCM that would give local governments a voice on decisions regarding mining and the right to have concerns on potential impacts be given consideration prior to licensing (its a start). Tofino ‘punches above its weight’ and these efforts have been noticed.

Duncan McMaster

These issues are beyond Municipal jurisdiction and control, and belong to the Provincial and federalGovernments. I will support and advocate for the wishes of
Tofino and BC coastal communities. As a Councillor one must listen to the Community.

Eric Kingsley

I am starkly opposed to any development in the fossil fuel industry. We have the technology and public will to make the switch. Now is the time to encourage new forms of energy generation. 
I am unfamiliar with the mining interest proposals but I am quite sure they will be dramatically damaging to the local environment. I can’t say I know enough to make any formal call on this one.
Marine debris is a worldwide issue. The programs that have had the greatest effect are always small, local, grass roots style organizations. I would support well developed plans or proven methods from elsewhere to help eliminate debris in our oceans and on our beaches.

Jarmo Venalainen

We are a community in Canada.  We live within the constraints of the rule of law in Canada.  If Canada wants them to go near our shores, then we are obligated to let that happen.  Having said that, if it was the will of the community to act in ways which restrict tanker movement, then is so far as is available to us, if mayor, I would execute the will of the community.

Jason Brown

I'm not a fan of tankers or the pipelines but understand the limitations of a municipality's powers,  I would use all of our municipal powers though to create as many hurdles as possible for the industry to jump through.  As far as ocean pollution and marine debris I would lobby the provincial and federal government to be more proactive and provide more resources to smaller communities like ours to combat pollution.  I think our biggest tool in taking on Pollution is Education and Conversation, I would encourage more businesses to educate their visitors on the importance of preserving the natural beauty of our town by being respectful of the our public spaces, packing in/packing out,  leaving no trace, the harm of plastics in our oceans and signage at all of our beaches.

Josie Osborne

Our small town has a big voice in the Canadian municipal scene, so as mayor I have the opportunity to make sure our community’s voice is heard in places like Victoria and Ottawa. While Council’s largest responsibility is the effective governances of municipal services, we also have an obligation to makes sure that our values, livelihoods, and opinions are understood by decision-makers at other levels of government. The best way I can carry this voice forward is through respectful relationships and creating and seizing opportunities at the local, provincial and national level for what can be very tough conversations - but conversations that matter.

Stephanie Hugues

This is a very big issue that crosses jurisdictions that we as a municipal government have very little control over.  That being said, we do have Provincial representation in Ottawa.  As a municipal governing body we can let our Provincial representative Gord Johns, know what our concerns as a community are.  Fortunately, Gord Johns is a champion for raised awareness and has tabled a motion (M-151) *“calling on the federal government to come up with a national strategy to combat plastic pollution in aquatic environments..demanding the creation of permanent, dedicated, and annual funds to help such clean-up efforts in the future.”  Recognizing and supporting local organizations that take up the challenge to clean our coast like the local chapter of the surf-rider foundation is critical.

Stephen Ashton

I will actively act to defend our coast.

Tom Stere

I would strongly voice the concerns of Tofino  as a councillor to our MP Gord Johns and our MLA Scott Fraser to address these important issues at the Federal and Provincial levels.

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