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All year round shuttle

17- What could you do to support a year-round shuttle in town and to expand its reach to Esowista and Ty-Hystanis?

17- All year round shuttle: FAQ

Al Anderson

We love our shuttle and it is part of our strategy to reduce traffic, reduce carbon emission and reduce pressure on parking. I would love to have the kind of money it takes to expand this service. Also would love to see region service between park and Ucluelet.

Andrea McQuade

Our First Nations are the original stewards of our natural beauty - the idea that we benefit from the tourism around it and provide a shuttle to those who would come and enjoy it but not our First Nations is disappointing. Extending the shuttle is key to our OCP goals regarding reconciliation efforts, and building a bridge to further co operation and reciprocal benefit.

Britt Chalmers

I am very supportive a year round shuttle or bus system.  I think a park and ride would also help decrease the traffic congestion in the town core.  How I could support it would be looking into the costs and where and how it would fit into a budget as well as looking for grants.


Chris Heisterman

I’d start complimenting the success of the shuttle program so far! It’s been very busy/successful and is only getting better. If we’re able to increase the frequency of the shuttle not only will it be more accessible, but it will change the culture around transportation/transit. With more resources available it will only make it easier to have transit between our neighbouring communities.

Craig Heber

I'd push for Green transportation and sell carbon offset sales fund the initiative.  Federal government has substantial infrastructure funding on stream for next 10 years to fund these public transportation initiatives as part of 1.5C commitments.  Timely but limited extension of shuttle to Esowista & Ty-Hystanis is essential as is including  Long Beach to Ucluelet.  I used the shuttle to get to work, and increased runs and buses would encourage other locals and tourists to utilize this service avoiding parking issues and stress of summer traffic levels and well the ‘idiots'.  It fits into the Eco-Tourism model Tofino promotes.  I'd have no problem paying a fare or monthly pass system to finance this endeavour.

Dorothy Baert

There is a multi-modal transportation plan underway and I hope everyone is filling in the survey available on the District website. I am committed to supporting any affordable solution that addresses this challenge within our region.

Duncan McMaster

Continue to lobby Tourism Tofino for more funding for the shuttle bus in order to extend the route and frequency. In addition, lobby Tourism Ucluelet and the Transport Ministry to provide funding so that the shuttle would run between Ucluelet and Tofino with stops at Esowista and Ty-Hystanis.

Eric Kingsley

The district is already redesigning the bus stops and routes and gathering data on how we can create a multimodal transportation system. As those reports come out we will have more data to work with when attempting to devise a more efficient system.  A year round shuttle is possible with more funding. Same goes for routes that extend to Esowista and Ty-Histanis. I think an easy solution to build the necessary finances would be having a cost for the shuttle. I can’t think of a single place I have ever been to with free busses (except on Canada Day and such). I have heard the counter arguments about how it is such a lovely service that we offer our community for free but at the end of the day the money you pay to ride the bus helps pay to keep the bus running. Keeping it free only puts more burden on the district to fund it and makes the summer tourists feel good.

Jarmo Venalainen

Bus service is a chicken and egg story.  If the ridership pays for the service or even if it produces a small deficit, then I would support increased service. Employers could assist in this, as they could make a bus ticket available as a benefit of employment and thereby make a commitment to pay into the bus service. Tourist accommodation providers could also commit to paying in a monthly amount, in exchange for which they would get bus tickets for their visitors. With increased service, more and more people would want to use it, but it will need a bike rack or two.

Jason Brown

I would love to see a year round shuttle not only town but all the way out to Esowista and Ty-Hystanis, to make this happen I think it would be wise to introduce to a nominal fee to tourists in the peak season to defer the cost of running the shuttle.  We could of course have an exemption for residents and it would encourage tourists to drive less reducing our carbon footprint the busy summer months.

Josie Osborne

Improving Tofino’s transportation system is a top priority for me. Reducing our dependency on vehicles means better personal health, less congestion (and associated frustration), lower GHGs and lower environmental impacts, and happier people. Expanding the shuttle service is one piece of the puzzle and is a part of the ‘big picture’ Multi-Modal Transportation planning work underway. Currently, the shuttle operates for two months of the year at a cost of about $45K per month – funded by Resort Municipality Initiative funding and revenue from pay parking lots – this can be expanded by making the funding decisions and seeking new sources of revenue,. Transit to Esowista/Ty-histanis would be better resolved by inter-community transit between Tofino and Ucluelet. Initiated by the ACRD, BC Transit has just completed a feasibility study on year-round public transit between Tofino and Ucluelet and will be undertaking significant public engagement in early 2019 to seek feedback on the proposed system and its associated costs.

Stephanie Hugues

I think that this is a needed resource in our communities, and expanding the service to year round, and expanding its reach is a great idea. I will support further research into the viability of this project.

Stephen Ashton

I would recommend putting forth a proposal to the province for financial support to expand the existing service.

Tom Stere

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