The Candidates
These are the people running to become mayor or councillor
at these 2018 municipal elections in Tofino.

I have lived in Tofino for 34 years and served on council for 5 terms. I am running for council because I feel I have a great deal of knowledge and experience to share. I am able to work in a respectful, collaborative and consensus-building manner. I love Tofino and I want to build a better community for families and Tofitians of every sort.
I originate from northern BC and arrived on Vancouver Island to study at UVIC. That brought me to Tofino for a summer job. I worked in the hospitality industry and some construction and house painting until 1998 when I started my business, Beaches Grocery. A second business, Jupiter Juicery and Bakeshop, was started 3 years later with two partners. I continue to work and manage these operations. My council work has spanned 17 years and 5 terms one of which I served as mayor. I have served on the board of the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District (3yrs)and the Vancouver Island regional Library (6yrs). I was a provincial appointee to the Central Region Board working with the Nuchanulth First Nations of our region to develop watershed plans in Clayoquot Sound.
he has lived in Tofino for 34 years and served on council for 5 terms.

Right now is a pivotal moment in the political and social landscape of our town, and I’m excited at the prospect of making decisions with Tofitians about where we’re going. I want to care for that landscape all the way down to its roots, preserve its natural beauty, and keep families and future generations engaged and thriving in Tofino.
I’m running because I believe municipal governments role is not to curtail progress, but to protect and help guide it into alignment with the values of the people of Tofino. What is at issue for me is the balance between the life of our economy and the life of our town, and bridging the gap between tourism and community. Doing so successfully means helping craft thriving businesses and community infrastructure that support each other. I am running to help build that bridge and do that work.
I know that all of Tofino deserves a strong voice and a council that represents them and acts in an accountable, balanced and thoughtful way. I am running to help to channel our growth while retaining the character and heart of a town we cherish so deeply. I believe I can provide the balanced perspective, the strong voice and the enthusiasm for all of Tofino that will propel us from this pivotal moment forward, together.
I was born on the other side of the country in New Brunswick, and I had the incredibly good luck of spending a large portion of my early life travelling with my military family across Canada and overseas. As an adult I stopped at a midpoint in Canada, settling for a little while in Edmonton to complete degrees in Philosophy and Sociology, specializing in Ethics. Eventually I ended up back on the east coast to pursue an Arabic Studies degree when I met my partner. If you’ll forgive the pun, I became hooked on the fishing lifestyle, which in turn brought me here, “just for the summer” 9 years ago.
Now it’s my home. Mostly recently, I’ve managed Kuma full time until it’s recent close. It gave me an incredible appreciation for the role that our local service industries have as not only economic engines but as community fixtures - they create experiences for guests and our residents, and make everyone feel welcome. It was at Kuma that I witnessed first hand what it’s like to have community connection to business and infrastructure, and have that reciprocity build a sense of belonging for everyone. Tourists get the wave report from our kitchen staff, and locals know that you have to be there at four to get happy hour and my staff gets paid, pays rent, and picks up trash on our beaches in their spare time. There is a space there for everybody, and everyone feels like it’s their home.
I’m running for council because I believe that sentiment should be evident in a restaurant or a hotel, but it should be exemplified by a council, by community plans, by bylaw, by taxes and by an engaged democracy. I believe that we should build our community in a manner that sustains and feeds it not just in and by tourism, but around and for the people that live here.
She has lived in Tofino for 5 years full time and 4 years previous to that part time. This would be her first term.

I grew up on Vancouver Island, and my heart has always been here. After graduating from high school in 1997, I headed west like a lot of my peers to have a true Tofino adventure. That summer, I lived in a garage and worked for a whale watching company and loved every minute of it. The next 12 years of my life were spent getting a well-rounded formal and life-experience education. I graduated from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Liberal Arts certificate. I then spent a year in Australia, more than two years in the UK, and travelled to many other places around the globe. With the travel bug out of my system, I planted myself in Edmonton for a few years where I returned to school to complete my Multi/IFR and Commercial Pilots licenses. Needing a break from flying once I completed school, I found myself once again craving the energizing Tofino lifestyle and moved back to the community “just for the summer”. That was nine years ago!
I am running to create more widespread equal representation on council and to give the younger families and individuals a voice. I have been in the community for ten years and have spent that time highly involved in many different areas of the community, through participation in events, volunteering in various organizations, fundraisers, and getting to know the people that I share this incredible space with. I stand apart because I am already deeply involved in the community and I see a need for a voice and an ear that is willing to listen.
She has been living in Tofino for 9 years and this would be her first term.

I grew up mostly on Vancouver Island around Campbell River and Quadra Island. My family moved to Kelowna for my high school years, but we always kept our island roots. I moved back to the island once I completed my post secondary in Business Administration. I was excited to be back on the island and I decided to try out Tofino for just one summer. As the story goes, I fell in love with our community and knew I needed to work hard to call this place home. So I dedicated myself to building a comfortable life here in Tofino for myself, and perhaps even a family one day. I can say that I understand how much hard work, dedication, frugalness, and help it takes to make Tofino home.
I’m running for council to help individuals and families make Tofino a home. I am in my early 30’s and I feel confident in my future in Tofino, I want help others feel confident too.
Chris has been living in Tofino for 12 years and this would be his first term.

I am running for as I see disconnect of Councils over the years fom the real majority views of voters, instead catering to special interests of those that profit from Tourism. The issues that face Tofino's residents never seem to be adequately addressed and plans never successfully implemented that achieve the desired result. Toficians deserve better .. Whether its solving Water or Housing shortages to Council being unprepared for Cannabis legalization and it's potential as a new revenue source to finance projects and initiatives the community needs.
Development growth always TRUMPs common sense .. Preventing the balancing of competing issues between residents and owners that operate in the Tourist Sector. I am a good candidate as I have extensive varied experience and education in business and can bring better balance to the competing interests by advocating new solutions.
I understand the issues of local residents developed from years living in our Town gained from working in Retail, Construction, Tourism sector and a love for Biosphere that drew me to make Tofino my home.
I was born in Winnipeg and visited Tofino with my family as a young child until the family started to focus vacations in Kenora and Lake of the Woods Ont. I studied dance at Royal Winnipeg Ballet and was a performing member of Chai Folk Ensemble from 1982 for 10 year including serving on its Board of Directors. I attended University of Manitoba taking Commerce majoring in Marketing MIS Finance Law, Small Business Management and Economics.
I've been self employed owner/partner of a variety of business ventures from Retail to Consulting to Services from 18 until I moved to Tofino. I've worked in Provincial Government, large Crown Corprations, Private Corporations and operated business in various provinces and US successfully. I have strengths in Finance, Budgeting, Research Planning and Implementation, often utilizing innovative and creative solutions to achieve goals
I've run RoboFraud Canada online as well as other pages since 2011 and have strong interest in Politics and Policy coupled with solid base to analyze proposals to make initiatives more realistic and likely to succeed.
He has lived in Tofino for 13 years and this would be his first term.

I’m an entrepreneur and owned a small, popular restaurant in Vancouver. Encouraged by some professional actors, I went on to be an effective Actors Agent in theatre and film until the industry collapsed in 1983. I then worked at a Brokerage firm to learn the art of putting deals together for Canadian film projects. However, Tofino was calling. To live on the West Coast and to create my means of support, I opened Tofino Sea Kayaking and Paddlers Inn.
Since moving here 30 years ago I have actively supported campaigns to protect the old growth forests of Clayoquot Sound; I was Chamber President for two terms, Founding Board member of the Wilderness Tourism Association, the Sea Kayak Guides Alliance of BC, on the first Board of Tourism Tofino and a founder of the highly successful Clayoquot Oyster Festival. I’m forever grateful for the opportunities that Tofino has given me.
I take my responsibilities to residents and taxpayers very seriously. My ten years experience on Council has taught me not to be afraid of difficult situations when advancing ideas and solutions that are in the community interest. During my terms I helped keep Councils focus on housing and affordability which includes advocacy for re-instating the Tofino Housing Corporation (THC). I am a strong voice for arts and heritage and advancing ways that they contribute to the creative economy. I look for solutions for business and will be working on ways to create affordable retail space in a vitalized downtown. I support assessing daycare needs and utilizing current funding programs to ensure we have sufficient and adequate services for children and youth.
After coming to the area since 1980, she decided to make the move and came here permanently in 1988 in order to start her business, Tofino Sea Kayaking. She’s been here full time for 30 years. She is seeking re-election for a fourth and last term.

I am a graduate from Liverpool University with a B.Sc (Hons) in Geophysics. Upon graduation I worked for a major oil company in London before moving to South Africa & Namibia where aside from geophysics I played semi-professional rugby. After 3 years in Africa I returned to the U.K, to teach physics and mathematics in the Outer Hebrides. I emigrated to Canada in 1980 and was employed as an international geophysicist based in Calgary. While in Calgary I met and married my wife, Robin Pearce and we purchased and operated a family restaurant in Bragg Creek, Alberta. Tiring of international travel and always being away from home, we made the move to Tofino in 2006, where we operated a Bed & Breakfast. I volunteer to cook at Loaves & Fishes on Tuesdays, at least twice a month. I am also Vice-President of the Legion where we try to support the Community and provide a safe place for young people to socialize.
The main reason that I am running for re-election is because I want to maintain the focus on affordable housing and infrastructure issues. I am very concerned that Tofino may become unaffordable for many residents. There are many “cans” that have been kicked down the road for many years: affordable & workforce housing, Liquid Waste Treatment (LWT), water supply, parking and road improvements. It is not all about projects and buildings, rather it is about our town becoming more responsive, accountable and innovative while being fair and impartial in all our dealings.
He has been living in Tofino for 20 years and this would be his 3rd term.

Born in Toronto, raised in Northern Ontario. Graduated from University in 2012 through correspondence. I have worked my entire professional life in service to others. I have taught children, worked with vulnerable populations and brought people their wine.
I am running for Council in an attempt to spark some motivation and fire in the decision making processes. I want everyone in town to know what is happening and for them to play an active role in our democracy. Tofino is changing every year, we can’t stop it but we can help guide it. Together we can shape the future of Tofino into something inspiring. Let’s take pride in our home. I believe I would make an excellent addition to Council. I have been volunteering with the district as a member of the Economic Development Committee for over a year now, I regularly sit in on Council meetings and I try to keep my finger on the pulse of provincial and federal news as well. I hold a bachelors degree in Behavioural Psychology; years of study into human communication, emotion, motivation and learning. I am also bilingual (FR/EN). Resume aside, I genuinely care about the people here and this town. I have been volunteering my time and learning what options are available to us. I know many who feel the same and do what they can in their own way. It is time for us to take the reigns and responsibly shape the future of our community.
He has lived in Tofino for 9 years and this would be his first term.

I was born in a small town in Karelia, Finland. When 9 years old, my father brought us to Canada for a two year job posting. Two years passed by quickly and then another 46 more, during which time Canada became home and Finland a nice place to visit. I first came to Tofino in the summer of 1976 and for the next 10 summers worked in the commercial salmon fishery. The bulk of my working career up until 4 years ago, was in renewable solar energy systems travelling around a lot. All along, ever since the very first time I set foot in Tla-o-quiaht Sound, it has held a special place in my heart. Since 1976, I have come to Tofino virtually every year, at virtually every time of year. I have seen the community change from logging and fishing, through forestry protests, into tourism, surfing and all else that it has become and now look forward to being its Mayor, should you so desire.
I’m running for mayor because, in the midst of settling down into our new lives here in Tofino, the actions and inactions of district governance have made us feel uncomfortable. I don’t like that. This is our home too. When I looked into the reason why this should be so, I learned that we weren’t alone. There were many others in Tofino who felt this way, a few of whom have now left. One thing which had not evolved and matured along with the growing and evolving community of Tofino, was that of governance at district hall. This style of governance may have been appropriate for what Tofino used to be, but it is not helpful now. Tofino is much too mature to be treated in this way. Tofino is much too diverse to be treated like this. Tofino deserves more respect. If you choose me as your mayor, things can be different.
He has been living in Tofino for 4 years and this would be his first term.

I was born in Ontario and like so many migrants before me followed the call of the Wild Pacific. Before moving to Tofino I spent 11 seasons planting trees across the country, planting 2 seasons in Ontario and 9 seasons here in BC moving around the interior and Vancouver Island. Planting trees provided me with a chance to satisfy my curiosity and wanderlust over the years allowing me to travel across our beautiful country and province. After spending several years living a nomadic lifestyle, travelling the continent and experiencing many diverse people and places, I decided it was time to put down roots in Canada. After discovering so much and seeing the power of community in different places I chose to try my luck at settling down in Tofino. When I chose Tofino, I not only chose it for the surf but because it had so much more to it then just surfing, the community has so much arts and culture and is an incredibly welcoming place. I've been lucky enough to meet many great people here and experience the beauty of nature and power of community. I have not questioned my decision once since deciding to settle down here, the soundness of my decision has only been bolstered by finding a job that I enjoy more and more everyday. I've been lucky enough to find work at a locally owned and family run business which has allowed me to experience the generosity and strength of this community encouraging me to be a more active member of the community. I hope to preserve this welcoming and supportive community for many years to come.
I've decided to run for the position of Councillor because I'd like to see the demographic I'm a part of represented better in Municipal Politics. I feel I represent a growing demographic of young educated full time residents in this community that deserve to be represented by someone who shares their experiences and challenges in the community. Most of all I would like to see some immediate action regarding Affordable housing as I see it is an issue that needs to be addressed right away. I feel I would be well suited for council because I am open minded, approachable, an active listener and I work well with others. I feel I would be an excellent addition to council as I believe in the power of community and hope to continue our town's prosperity.
He has lived two years in Tofino and this would be his first term.

I’m a first generation Canadian, born in BC and raised with my younger brother in three different communities on the East Coast of Vancouver Island. I attended Malaspina College (now VIU) and UBC and received an undergraduate degree in marine biology, then went on to complete a master’s degree in resource and environmental management from SFU. I moved to Tofino in 1998 to work as a fisheries biologist for the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council. My experiences with the Nuu-chah-nulth were tantamount to an entirely different kind of education that has impacted me profoundly. I fell in love with and married the boy next door, so any dreams to moving back to the big city were happily dashed and I have lived in Tofino ever since, working for the NTC, as well as working and volunteering for several different non-profit organizations before becoming mayor in 2013.
I'm running for re-election as mayor of Tofino because I love this community and I believe I have the skills, experience, and persistence to do the job a mayor needs to do. In 2012 I put my name forward to take on the work of being mayor because I thought we needed leadership that was energetic, communicative, optimistic, and team-oriented, and I think I’ve brought just that to the table. Over the past two municipal terms, I’ve pushed up my sleeves and gotten to work on the nuts and bolts of good municipal governance from facilitating effective, respectful meetings and pushing for more and better civic engagement, to communicating widely about District initiatives and Council decisions. I’ve worked hard to build trust and relationships within and beyond Tofino to effectively represent our community, work towards reconciliation with First Nations, and achieve regional needs. I look forward to working with Council, staff, and the community for another four year term.
She has lived in Tofino for 20 years. She joined Council in January 2013 after a by-election, and served the full term of 2014-2018.

My name is Omar Soliman. I have lived in Tofino for three years and am running for Mayor in the upcoming elections. I believe I have lived a pretty long life in a short period of time. My father was an Egyptian doctor in Saudi Arabia working for and oil company. He immigrated to Canada when I was young and I received citizenship shortly after. I lived in a small community similar to Tofino in that it was closed off from the rest of the world. After middle school I went to an all boys boarding school in the US. I returned to Egypt where I studied mechanical engineering, moving to Toronto in 2005. Living in Canada was a dream, a reality of pure freedom. I always considered myself a hard worker and never related to working at a desk in front of a computer. So at 20 years old I began my journey as a cook and never looked back. It was and has been the best life experience I could receive, hard satisfying work with well balanced R&R and an absorption of culture you can’t find in most places. Working through the ranks of the kitchen has given me a template of how a community comes together to create something amazing. Moving to Tofino was the best decision I ever made, it is the first place that I have ever been able to truly call home. Just like any family though it has its ups and its downs, but that’s how we learn and how we move forward together to make sure that those hardships don’t drastically affect us. Things are going to change in our town, its how we collectively want them to change that’s going to make the difference. Rather than voting for a single solution to a single problem, we need to vote on the ideals we hold dear to us and that we can all agree on. As mayor I will never make promises that I can’t keep, but more importantly I will never resist the will of the people, for it is the people who make the decisions, it is the people that drive our community forward, and it is the people who make Tofino home.
Omar sent his bio in, but didn't answer the questionnaire.

I have lived in Tofino for over 30yrs. I moved here as a teen-ager and have built my life here in this amazing place. I have been employed in Clayoquot Sound as a research assistant, professional tree-climber and rigger, massage therapist, whale watching guide and boat skipper, server, host, cleaner, retail store manager, pastry-chef, project co-ordinator in the non-profit sector, yoga instructor, and forest-bathing guide. I have sat on several boards in the region including the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust, Tofino Botanical Gardens, and am currently the President of the Board of the Aeriosa Dance Society. I am a wife, and I am the mother of two children ; my daughter is currently attending the University of Victoria, and my son is in his last year at Wickaninnish elementary.
I am running for Tofino for a seat on Tofino Council because I believe in contributing to our community in a way that is solution based, inclusive and respectful. Conscious governance on all issues I believe is the way forward, and having spent 13yrs as a Director at Large on the Board of the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust has prepared me for the role as a leader in our community. The Clayoquot Biosphere Trust has representation from all communities in the region and is a consensus decision-making board. I developed listening skills, and expanded my experience to reflect ethics that mindfully consider Nuu-chah-nulth and non-Nuu-chah-nulth viewpoints. I am even-tempered and fair-minded. I am in the privileged position as a mother of two wonderful children to have a personal perspective on our future generations and the legacy that we will gift to them. It is our deep responsibility to ensure that we are excellent stewards of land, resources, culture and community.
She has been living in Tofino for 31 years and this would be her first term.

I came to Tofino for the opportunity to live in a small town with small town values. In the past, I have managed Mackenzie Beach Resort, operated the Red Crow Bed and Breakfast, and Chef at the Tofino Botanical Gardens and Spotted Bear. I have been the Vice President of the Tofino Chamber of Commerce and long time volunteer with the Friends of Clayoquot Sound. I served on Council previously and introduced the motion to ban Franchises in Tofino. I am a big supporter of owner operated small businesses. I currently work at North Island College, the Tofino Liquor Store, and at the islands best little hospital, Tofino General. I am an avid kayaker and live most of the year on an island off the grid.
My theme of running is « taking care of locals « We share our beautiful community with many other visitors and it can be expensive to live here. I want council to put locals concerns first. Also, I don’t own a business in Tofino so can be very objective when business concerns come forward.
He has lived in Tofino for over 20 years and this would be his second term as Councillor.
He was elected the first time in 2008

I care about Tofino and it’s residents and I’ve come to realize the importance of giving back to the community that has given so much to me. Now that my children are older I feel I have the time and want to be an active participant in helping to keep Tofino an amazing place to call home.
Having lived in this community for 30 years gives me a unique perspective and broad understanding of both the historical and current issues facing the residents of Tofino.
He has been living in Tofino for 31 years and this would be his first term.