CHRIS HEISTERMAN - running for Councillor
I grew up mostly on Vancouver Island around Campbell River and Quadra Island. My family moved to Kelowna for my high school years, but we always kept our island roots. I moved back to the island once I completed my post secondary in Business Administration. I was excited to be back on the island and I decided to try out Tofino for just one summer. As the story goes, I fell in love with our community and knew I needed to work hard to call this place home. So I dedicated myself to building a comfortable life here in Tofino for myself, and perhaps even a family one day. I can say that I understand how much hard work, dedication, frugalness, and help it takes to make Tofino home.
I’m running for council to help individuals and families make Tofino a home. I am in my early 30’s and I feel confident in my future in Tofino, I want help others feel confident too.
Chris has been living in Tofino for 12 years and this would be his first term.