STEPHANIE HUGUES - running for Councillor
I have lived in Tofino for over 30yrs. I moved here as a teen-ager and have built my life here in this amazing place. I have been employed in Clayoquot Sound as a research assistant, professional tree-climber and rigger, massage therapist, whale watching guide and boat skipper, server, host, cleaner, retail store manager, pastry-chef, project co-ordinator in the non-profit sector, yoga instructor, and forest-bathing guide. I have sat on several boards in the region including the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust, Tofino Botanical Gardens, and am currently the President of the Board of the Aeriosa Dance Society. I am a wife, and I am the mother of two children ; my daughter is currently attending the University of Victoria, and my son is in his last year at Wickaninnish elementary.
I am running for Tofino for a seat on Tofino Council because I believe in contributing to our community in a way that is solution based, inclusive and respectful. Conscious governance on all issues I believe is the way forward, and having spent 13yrs as a Director at Large on the Board of the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust has prepared me for the role as a leader in our community. The Clayoquot Biosphere Trust has representation from all communities in the region and is a consensus decision-making board. I developed listening skills, and expanded my experience to reflect ethics that mindfully consider Nuu-chah-nulth and non-Nuu-chah-nulth viewpoints. I am even-tempered and fair-minded. I am in the privileged position as a mother of two wonderful children to have a personal perspective on our future generations and the legacy that we will gift to them. It is our deep responsibility to ensure that we are excellent stewards of land, resources, culture and community.
She has been living in Tofino for 31 years and this would be her first term.