CRAIG HEBER - running for Councillor
I am running for as I see disconnect of Councils over the years fom the real majority views of voters, instead catering to special interests of those that profit from Tourism. The issues that face Tofino's residents never seem to be adequately addressed and plans never successfully implemented that achieve the desired result. Toficians deserve better .. Whether its solving Water or Housing shortages to Council being unprepared for Cannabis legalization and it's potential as a new revenue source to finance projects and initiatives the community needs.
Development growth always TRUMPs common sense .. Preventing the balancing of competing issues between residents and owners that operate in the Tourist Sector. I am a good candidate as I have extensive varied experience and education in business and can bring better balance to the competing interests by advocating new solutions.
I understand the issues of local residents developed from years living in our Town gained from working in Retail, Construction, Tourism sector and a love for Biosphere that drew me to make Tofino my home.
I was born in Winnipeg and visited Tofino with my family as a young child until the family started to focus vacations in Kenora and Lake of the Woods Ont. I studied dance at Royal Winnipeg Ballet and was a performing member of Chai Folk Ensemble from 1982 for 10 year including serving on its Board of Directors. I attended University of Manitoba taking Commerce majoring in Marketing MIS Finance Law, Small Business Management and Economics.
I've been self employed owner/partner of a variety of business ventures from Retail to Consulting to Services from 18 until I moved to Tofino. I've worked in Provincial Government, large Crown Corprations, Private Corporations and operated business in various provinces and US successfully. I have strengths in Finance, Budgeting, Research Planning and Implementation, often utilizing innovative and creative solutions to achieve goals
I've run RoboFraud Canada online as well as other pages since 2011 and have strong interest in Politics and Policy coupled with solid base to analyze proposals to make initiatives more realistic and likely to succeed.
He has lived in Tofino for 13 years and this would be his first term.